Monday, May 19, 2014

"It is easy to be wise after the event."

So, this is going to be difficult. I have been working on this piece for hours, planning how to say what I need to.

The assignment is to tell a story with a twist, or something we didn't expect to happen.

I have to get deep now.

Nothing unexpected happens to me very often, or at least something that is so memorable I could never forget it. And it's always better to tell a story that I learned something from. This time last year I learned a valuable lesson: watch who you trust.

I told you I was getting deep.

This seems like a piece of advice everybody knows, but until you're in that situation, you don't fully get it. I was in a not so good place. My boyfriend and I broke up briefly last year and between you and I, it sucked. But, it helped me grow a lot as a person. So, there are two twists in this story.

Watch who you confide in. Not everyone wants what is best for you. In fact, most of the time, they want what's best for them.

I met a guy, we'll call him Jim, at school last year who was first. We talked a lot. We came from similar backgrounds (both from broken families). We shared a lot of common interests like favorite comedians and we listened to the same music. I considered us good friends. It was cool.

It didn't stay cool.

In fact, it got uncool real fast. The part of this story I expected? My break up. A few people saw it coming and I wasn't surprised that it happened. Please keep in mind I just ended a 2.5 year relationship. The events that took place in the next few weeks, however, I did not expect. First, you must understand Jim was older so there were certain ways to talk that I perceived as okay and I feel like lines were crossed a few times. It was boarder line flirting and it got weird fast.

Man, this is really hard. Like, I can't handle this hard. Everyone can see this? Cool.

To make a long story short, words were exchanged between Jim and I and it seemed like I no longer had this super cool friend but someone who was ultimately working an angle, and I really didn't expect that. It was super awkward, but it taught me not to be so open with practical strangers. Also, you are the only person who knows what is best for you. Don't let other people influence your major life decisions.

Wanna know the other twist? This one leads to a happen ending, I promise. My boyfriend and I? Got back together after a month. I REALLY didn't see that one coming. When we broke up I felt like we were two completely different people. Luckily, we both did some growing and soul searching and found our way back to each other. So, that's cool and happy and romantic and the types of endings that make people smile.

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